Monday, December 4, 2017

(SOUND) Film 116 Interview with my Mom

Interview with my mom

Runtime: 3:52

EQ screen grab

Compressed version

Interview questions:
  • I know that you were born in Kansas but then ended up moving to Dallas and Phoenix, could you perhaps tell me what caused your family to make those changes?
  • Where was your favorite place that you lived?
  • What was it like growing up in the 80’s? 
  • Did you have any best friends? Do you still stay in contact with them?
  • What was school like?
  • I know that you parents got eventually got divorced would you care to describe how that came to be?
  • What happened after high school?
  • What were your first jobs?
  • How did you meet dad? Do you remember the first moment you met him?
  • How long were you two together before you married?
  • What do you think the future holds for you?

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

(SOUND) Film116: Field Recording Project Final

Recording #1:
.wav version
mp3 version 
Runtime- 1:30 min.
Location of recording- Veterans park. Near Vietnam veteran memorial.
Time of recording- 2:00pm
Date of recording- 10/16/17

Recording #2: 
.wav version
mp3 version 
Runtime- 1:25 min.
Location of recording- O'Donnell Park. Near the corner of N Prospect Ave. and E Mason St.
Time of recording- 2:30pm
Date of recording- 10/16/17

Recording #3:
.wav version 
mp3 version
Runtime- 1:30 min.
Location of recording- Front entrance of the Hilton Milwaukee, N 5th St.
Time of recording- 11:05am
Date of recording- 10/24/17

Drift Strategy: For my drift strategy, my main goal was to look for spots that could potentially have some great sounds. And so, after my first recording, I would do just that. I would also use my recorder as I walked along to see if there were any good sounds that I hadn't planned for. I did use a pair of dice occasionally to determine how far I should walk to my next spot, but not very often. Also, since it was quite windy on both of my drift days, I also made sure to seek out spots that could effectively conceal the wind.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Film 116: Essay 1

                 Prompt 1: Murray Schafer describes a hi-fi soundscape as being, “one in which discrete sounds can be heard clearly because of the low ambient noise level,” and a lo-fi soundscape as one in which “individual acoustic signals are obscured in an overdense population of sounds” (Schafer 43). This basically means that in a hi-fi soundscape you can easily hear and identify just about every sound there is around you, while in a lo-fi soundscape, all you can hear is just a jumble of sounds overlapping each other. A good example of a hi-fi soundscape would be the countryside or the middle of the woods. While there aren’t a lot of sounds to hear in these environments, each sound is very distinct and easy to make out, the wind blowing through the trees, the birds chirping at the crack of dawn, wild animals ruffling through the bushes, and so on. As for a lo-fi soundscape, such as the middle of a city, it would be impossible to hear any of the discrete sounds like the ones from the countryside because there would just be too many other sounds fighting for dominance. 

                   Prompt 2: In his book, Schafer recalls a few sounds he remembers from back in his youth that occurred on his family’s farm. However, the only sound he describes as being a soundmark of his youth is the sound of churning butter (Schafer 48). One soundmark I remember from my own youth is the sound of a passing train blowing its horn every night as I laid in my Georgia bed. While the sound of a passing train itself is very loud, the train was far enough away so that instead of it being a nuisance, it was instead a very calming sound that helped me sleep. Every night when I heard that train horn it was as if the train was saying “good night!” “sleep tight!” and now, whenever I hear a train in the distance all I can think of is me back in my old bed drifting off to sleep.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

(SOUND) Film 116: The Broken Scanner

Title: The Broken Scanner

Runtime: 2:10

What I had in mind for this piece was to create the sound of some sort of scanning system breaking down in the middle of an underground facility. The piece starts off with us hearing the scanner working properly when all of a sudden, the scanner malfunctions, and then a team of technicians come along to fix it.

.wav Link:

Logging notes:

Matthew Duncan

Found sound “raw audio” logging notes:

#1 (SOUND_5D): Lots of birds chirping, relaxing, plane flyover provides a nice surprising break of the silence.

#2 (sound01): Pixely static, unsettling, frightening, sounds like a video game crashing. 

#3 (sound02b): Something/someone stomping slowly through the woods, kind of intense actually, like Bigfoot is coming to get me.

#4 (sound03): Sounds like a hovering UFO, luminous, eerie, creepy, rhythmic.

#5 (sound03B): Someone rattling a piece of paper as if frustrated with it.

#6 (sound03D): Sounds like a drill drilling a piece of metal with maybe a saw in the background, rough, non-stopping.

#7 sound04B: People gathered around a campfire, relaxing, peaceful.

#8 sound05B: People walking through woods, uneventful, nice outdoor/forest sound.

#9 sound05C: At first sounds like someone on a skateboard or scooter but then turns into a UFO flyover, Unexpected, surprising, transformative, nice transition.

#10 sound07: Sounds like people in a tunnel, lots of different sounds going on, nice change of pace.

#11 sound07B: Sounds like people working in a kitchen maybe, unique sound, nice change of pace, somewhat satisfying.

#12 SOUND08A: Microphone screech, loud, unexpected, provides a nice surprise.

#13 sound10: Sounds like people standing outside of club, conversational, can provide a nice conversation segment.

#14 SOUND11B: Sounds like birds panicking, loud chirping, could potentially up the intensity.

#15 sound12: Sounds like a garage door opening, could be a nice opener.

#16 sound13: Someone walking their dog through streets, also a skateboard ride-by, nice suburban background sound.

#17 sound16: Ocean waves, relaxing, calm, reflective, very satisfying.

#18 sound16B: Random clicking sound, could provide a nice element of randomness or surprise.

#19 sound17: Guy needs extra gas, conversational, different, somewhat humorous, nice suburbs sound. 

#20 SOUND19A: Thunder in the distance, luminous, eerie.

#21 (sound20): Indoor construction, nice construction noise, nice change of pace.

#22 (sound21): More campfire sounds but with more conversation, nice outdoors/night sounds.

#23 (sound22): Cars driving by, shifts to kids in a park, nice everyday life sound, more conversation towards the end, nice transition.

#24 (sound23): Truck backing up, nice construction sound, 

#25 (sound24): Someone shoveling snow/ice, nice change of pace, sounds like someone is using camcorder.